How and why should atheists be morally good?

Photo: DS Stories /

Today, someone posed an interesting question in r/DebateAnAtheist on Reddit: As an atheist, how can one be morally good? And why be morally good?

Here is my answer, edited and drawn out a bit. (Check out the original thread for many more good responses—there are many voices of sensibility to be found there.)

Short answer: Evolution.

Long answer…

Continue reading “How and why should atheists be morally good?”

Myths about atheism: Atheism is just another religion

I’ll be honest, this is one of the arguments I find a bit tedious—the idea that atheism is a religion or a  worldview or a belief system or a dogma. It’s an argument often used by religious people who write books about atheism (I’m looking at you, Dr. Frank Turek!). These folks insist that atheists are merely trading one belief system for another, and I’m not sure why they do that—maybe they just can’t imagine life without some sort of belief system. But that’s a total misconception and misunderstanding of atheism. Continue reading “Myths about atheism: Atheism is just another religion”

Myths about atheism: Atheists are just angry at God

This is another myth I have both heard and read: The reason atheists don’t believe is that they are angry with God. Something bad must have happened that caused them to turn away from him.

Not true—at least not for this atheist, nor any atheist I know personally. If I’m wrong and there is a god (and I’m not ruling out that possibility; see my article on atheism and agnosticism), no one has less reason to be angry with Him (or Her) than me. Continue reading “Myths about atheism: Atheists are just angry at God”

Myths about atheism: Atheists get upset when you say “I’ll pray for you”

I can’t speak for all atheists (we’re as different and individualistic as religious people), but I can say that this atheist doesn’t get upset if you say “I’ll pray for you.” Continue reading “Myths about atheism: Atheists get upset when you say “I’ll pray for you””